Seeking a healthy eating plan? Put French Cheese on your plate.
If you’re a lover of French Cheese, you’ll be happy to know that cheese fits right in with your healthy daily diet. Cheese is a “nutrient rich” food, which means a little goes a long way toward providing important daily nutritional benefits like calcium, protein and vitamins. What”s more, cheese is a recommended part of one of the world”s healthiest eating patterns, the Mediterranean Diet.
No Artificial Hormones Used! You can be comfortable knowing that all The Cheeses of France are healthful, minimally processed and free of artificial growth hormone/rBST.
The “Gold Standard” in Healthy Eating
Scientists have been studying the Mediterranean Diet for more than 50 years. The diet is based on the dietary traditions of the southern Mediterranean region at a time when the rates of chronic disease were among the lowest in the world and adult life expectancy was among the highest. The diet includes eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, olive oil — and nutrient-rich cheese in moderation every day!
New Healthy Eating Research: Live longer on the Mediterranean Diet
Researchers have linked the Mediterranean Diet to an amazing array of health benefits, from lowering your risk of heart disease to breathing easier to maintaining a healthy weight. In a recent study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AARP*, Americans who closely followed the Mediterranean Diet were shown to have a reduced risk of death from all causes, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. Learn more about the Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits.
*Source: Archives of Internal Medicine. 2007 Dec. 10; 167(22): 2461-8
Fromage Health Research Update
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