Ossau Iraty — Classic Sheep’s Milk Cheese
Made from sheep’s milk, this classic mountain cheese of the French Pyrenees is somewhat sweet and grassy flavored with a subtle nuttiness, and aged from three months up to a year. Ossau–Iraty is one of the oldest styles of cheeses produced in France, with a history going back for more than three thousand years.
“Produced the same way for 3,000 years, this simple cheese has beautiful aromas. You will pick up the grasses and the herbals that the grazing sheep enjoy.” Max McCalman, Maître Fromager
Type: Sheep’s milk from Manech and Basco-Bearnaise ewes
Origin: Pays Basque >> Map
Production and Aging: Aged 3-12 months
Appearance: Somewhat rugged, light to darker brown rinds with light ivory colored pâtes
Texture and Taste: Firm and creamy, with an aroma of toasted hazelnuts and a sweet, buttery flavor
Serving suggestions: A very versatile cheese that pairs well with Cotes du Rhone, Burgundies, Beaujolais and Loire Valley wines
Similar Cheeses: Other Ossau–Iraty style sheep’s milk cheeses of the Pyrenees region