Morbier — French Cheese Known by its Streak of Ash
A unique semi-soft mild cheese made with two layers. Traditionally, the bottom was made from morning milk and the top from evening milkseparated by a distinctive ash-black furrow. Today, the ash running through the middle of a Morbier is most likely to be vegetable ash.
“A little pungent, full flavored and excellent for melting.” Max McCalman, Maître Fromager
Type: Cow’s milk
Origin: Franche-Comté >> Map
Production and Aging: Aged at least 60 days
Appearance: Yellowish, moist and leathery rind with an ivory colored paâte that is distinguished by a dark vein of vegetable ash streaking through the middle
Texture and Taste: Aromatic, creamy and surprisingly mild, with a nutty aftertaste
Serving suggestions: Red Burgundy or Red Beaujolais
Similar Cheeses: Tomme de Savoie, Saint-Nectaire