Goat Cheese — The French Legacy of Chèvre
Crafted in a number of France’s regions, though frequently found in Poitou-Charentes in the Loire Valley, these pure white goat cheeses, or chèvres, are a legacy of the Saracens, people of Arab decent who lived in Spain and then France up until the 8th century. Goat’s milk cheeses present a delightful array of tastes and textures and include many AOC cheeses.
Type: Goat’s milk
Origin: Poitou-Charentes >> Map
Production and Aging: Various
Appearance: A variety of shapes, including pyramidal and cylindrical, and textures
Texture and Taste: Ranging from moist and creamy to dry and semi-firm
Serving suggestions: Chenin Blanc, as in Vouvray or Savenièrres, Sauvignon Blanc, as in Sancerre (White) or White Bordeaux, White Burgundy, Red or white Beaujolais/Rhône
Similar Cheeses: Crottin, Chabichou du Poitou, Clochette, Sainte-Maure, Pointe de Bique, Tradition Jacquin