Fresh Cheeses — Delicious Tastes of Cow’s, Sheep’s or Goat’s Milk
Soft, unripened, often flavored with a variety of herbs and spices and crafted throughout many cheese regions. Examples include fromage frais (fresh cheese) like Le Roule and Boursin. Fresh cheeses should be consumed shortly after production.
Type: Cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s milk
Origin: Throughout France, though mainly Centre >> Map
Production and Aging: May be shaped and kneaded during production, but no aging time (affinage) is required.
Appearance: Smooth and white in color; can be formed into shapes or poured into containers
Texture and Taste: Can be very loose and runny, sometimes crumbly, with a fresh, mild taste that is sometimes infused with herbs or spices
Serving suggestions: Perfect any time of the day. Delicious served simply with bread. Pair milder cheeses with white wines, stronger varieties with red wines.
Similar Cheeses: Fleur du Maquis, Brin d’Amour