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Brie — Queen of Cheeses

One of the best-known French cheeses, Brie is sometimes called the “Queen of Cheeses.” The proximity of the Brie region to Paris may explain the popularity of this sweet and refined, world-famous cheese. Another artisanal cheese to look for is Brie de Nangis.

“These superb, world-famous soft-ripened raw cow’s milk cheeses are illegal for import into the United States, but pasteurized versions abound.” Max McCalman, Maître Fromager

Type: Cow’s milk (True Brie is made with unpasteurized milk, unavailable in the United States)

Imported French Cheese – Brie Origin: Ile-de-France >> Map

Production and Aging: Aged at least four weeks

Appearance: A pale, straw-colored pâte and a thin rind of white mold

Texture and Taste: Soft and creamy with full, mellow flavor and rich aroma

Serving suggestions: Serve a room temperature; pair with...Right-bank Bordeaux Reds, Beaujolais (Red), Languedoc Syrah, and may surprise with a not-too-dry Sauvignon Blanc!

Similar Cheeses: Fougerus, Coulommiers, Camembert